
This site and the idea behind it is still coming together! Please provide any feedback, comments, or suggestions. Don’t be shy. If you come here often but still haven’t made any comments or contributions, tell me why. If this is your first and most likely last time here, what can I do to add value to the site so it’s worth your time to come back?

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15 thoughts on “Feedback”

  1. From my perspective as a FAASTeam Program Manager in NJ ….your site is great. I want you to know that Avi Weiss and I are building on-line courses for and Jim Leavitt (FPM Albany,NY) and I are pushing the Helicopter CFI modules for the FAASTeam CFI project. All this specifically for helo pilots. Good Job on your site!

  2. This site is a great concept. I am a very high time airplane 15000 hours cfi and a low time heli cfi. The “wiki” approach is a fantastic idea.

    1. Awesome. We might call FW guys plank drivers behind your backs, but we can stand to learn from you–especially from a pilot with 15000 hrs (!) of experience. As you get into teaching on the RW side, I hope you’ll continue using wikiRFM and start making contributions.

      Happy flying, and welcome to helicopters.

    1. Thanks for noticing Ryan. I found your site shortly after I launched wikiRFM. For those of you who haven’t found Ascension Helicopters, I’d recommend looking at the PowerPoint presentations and the CFII lesson plans that Ryan has published.

  3. Just wanted to say thanks for all of the work that’s gone into this site. I think it’s a great idea. You obviously love aviation, and have a genuine interest in helping others share the same passion.

    I haven’t started flying yet, but once I gain the experience, I hope to contribute.

    Keep up the good work. Thank you.

  4. Within your AROW acronym, you should probably include a second “R” standing for Radio Registation per FCC & international radio broadcasting regulations. Granted, a radio does not need to be registered with the FCC here in the United States as the FCC suspended the regulation within the U.S. However, during my time as a helicopter pilot & instructor, I have been baffled by the number of students, fellow aviators, both fixed and rotor, who are not only unfamiliar with the regulation, but have never heard of it nor were they ever taught it during their flight training. It carries a $10,000 fine if given a violation by an FCC inspector.

  5. I’m a student pilot in a professional program (in Oregon) that will get me up through CFII in 18-24 months. I have the intention of starting a website for helicopter students that includes links, explanations, and videos that I’ve found valuable throughout my own process of becoming a professional pilot. I may, once I’m more knowledgable on the subject, create some of my own content as well. This wiki will be one of those things that I link to.

    Thanks for the work you’ve put into the wiki so far. I see that you’re trying to hand it off, though. That’s too bad. What are you asking for it?


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