To introduce the effect of the anti-torque pedals on the aircraft.
- Allow student to experiement with the effect of ATP inputs on the aircraft’s heading and trim
- Correlate changes in yaw with instrument indications
- Use the anti-torque pedals to maintain trim in the Lesson FC-2
Instructional aids and pre-requisites
- Ground Lesson
- Lesson SP-1 is a pre-requisite
- In straight and level flight (75 kias), pass control of the pedals to the student
- Allow student to observe the effect of ATP inputs on visual references and ground track
- Allow student to observe the effect of ATP inputs on aircraft trim (ball and slip, trim string, and kinesthetic sensations)
Common errors
- None specified
Completion standards
- None, except to prepare student for maintaining trim in Lesson FC-2
Teaching considerations
- None specified
Additional practice
- None specified
Additional resources
- None specified