Maintain flight at a constant heading, altitude, and airspeed; introduce the VFR scan and positive exchange of controls.
- Brief student on positive exchange of controls
- Use the VFR scan to maintain constant heading, altitude, and airspeed
Instructional aids and pre-requisites
- Lesson IL-1 is a pre-requisite
- Lessons FC-1 through 3 should be introduced prior to this lesson
- Pre-flight briefing: Positive 3-way exchange of flight controls.
- Pass control of the aircraft to the student while in straight and level flight (75 kias).
- Reinforce that an increase in collective/MAP will require re-trimming with the pedals.
- Reinforce that attitude (bank and pitch) is controlled by the cyclic, and determines airspeed and heading.
- Reinforce that attitude is referenced by visual means (relationship of the tip-path plane or compass on the horizon, and alignment with a distant point). Visual reference to the attitude is the primary means of maintaining SnL, although the airspeed indicator and compass are used to verify.
- When changes are made to the attitude, a corresponding change in collective and pedals will be required.
- Reinforce positive exchange of flight controls during this lesson.
- Introduce the VFR scan: outside attitude references, collision avoidance, instrument verification, engine instrument scan.
Common errors
- Over-reliance on instruments/failure to scan for traffic
- Prompt student to maintain VFR scan
- Overcontrolling/overcompensation from desired attitude
Completion standards
- Verbalize positive exchange of controls
- Airspeed ±10 kias
- Altitude ±100΄
- Heading ±10°
- Aircraft in trim
Teaching considerations
- None specified
Additional practice
- None specified
Additional resources
- None specified