Most of the resources I used in developing this abbreviated guide are at the bottom of the page. This is basically an outline that you can use as a starting point for developing your own guideline to conduct the ground portion of the flight review. Since this is wiki-editable, anything experienced instructors and pilots can add would benefit us all. For the new CFI, having a plan going into a flight review is a good idea (if you want to make it productive for everybody at the table). The excerpt from the Helicopter Flight Instructor’s Guide is a good resource for the flight portion.
Pilot Regulations and Responsibilities
CFR 91.3 through 91.9
Passenger briefings (remember SSAFEEE)
- Seat belts
- Sterile cockpit
- Air vents and environmental controls (including headset operation)
- Fire extinguisher
- Exits
- Egress from helicopter
- Extra eyes
Pre-flight (remember WEALTH)
- Weather
- Expected performance
- Alternatives
- Landing zone/airport procedures
- Traffic delays (TFRs and NOTAMs)
- How much fuel?
Fitness to Fly
- Certificate and medical current
- Currency and proficiency
Airworthiness requirements
- Required inspections (AROW) and AV1ATE (Annual and ADs, VOR check, 100-hour, Altimeter/pitot static, Transponder, ELT)
- VFR day and night requirements
Inoperative equipment without a MEL
- Is it required by the type certificate?
- Is it on the aircraft’s required equipment list?
- Is it required by another regulation?
- Is it required by an AD?
Fuel requirements
Airport operations and signs
VFR minimums and rules
- Discuss minimum altitudes
- Discuss minimum CIG and VIS
- Discuss developing personal minimums
Review regulatory airspace requirements
Weather sources (eg, new TAF format)
Helicopter Special Focus Areas
Greatest risks to helicopter pilots
- Wires
- Weather/IIMC
- Low rotor RPM
AOPA Pilot’s Guide to the Flight Review: Not for the CFI, but still helpful for helping determine what to cover.
Helicopter Flight Instructor Guide Excerpt on Flight Reviews: Specific for helicopters, but it’s a bit lacking.
AC 61-98–Currency and BFRs–Currency and Flight Reviews: Barebones Advisory Circular.
FAA Opinion on CFI Checkride as a Flight Review: Can your CFI checkride count as your flight review? FAA’s official opinion.
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