To learn coordination of control inputs; introduce performance check
- Use the VFR scan to maintain altitude and trim during changes in attitude
- Develop awareness of aircraft performance by having student determine the power setting necessary for cruise flight
Instructional aids and pre-requisites
- Model helicopter
- Lesson FC-5 is a pre-requisite
- Pre-flight briefing: Demonstrate the effect increasing lift has on airflow over the horizontal stabilizer and pitch attitude; correlate to need for change in cyclic input when raising collective.
- From straight and level configuration at 75 kias.
- Determine cruise power setting.
- Increase collective approximately 2˝ MAP and re-trim the aircraft.
- Add forward cyclic to stabilize the aircraft at 85 kias and in level flight.
- Begin deceleration by reducing collective approximately 4˝ MAP and re-trimming the aircraft.
- Add aft cyclic and reduce collective as necessary to stabilize the aicraft at 60 kias .
- Return collective to cruise power setting and make appropriate control inputs to return to straight and level flight at 75 kias.
- Reference airspeed indicator and altimeter during maneuver
Common errors
- None specified
Completion standards
- Student will be able to coordinate cyclic and collective to accelerate and decelerate the aircraft.
- Airspeed ±10 kias
- Altitude ±100΄
- Heading ±10°
- Aircraft in trim
Teaching considerations
- None specified
Additional practice
- None specified
Additional resources
- None specified