To further develop coordination of the flight controls; simulate the maneuvers required during climbs and descents in the traffic pattern.
Use VFR scan to perform simultaneous changes in altitude and heading while maintaining a constant airspeed.
Instructional aids and pre-requisites
- The student should be comfortable with the manuevers in Lessons FC-4 through FC-7
- From straight and level flight at 60 kias, clear the area
- Initiate a climb by increasing collective and simultaneously entering a 15-20° bank
- When approaching assigned altitude and heading, initiate return to straight and level flight by lowering collective, adjusting attitude, and rolling out of turn
- Repeat exercise for descents
Common errors
- Not clearing the area
- Loss of attitude reference/pitch incursions
- Initiate components of maneuver sequentially instead of simultaneously
- Maintain VFR scan
- Overshooting heading or altitude because of distraction or interrupting scan
- Draw student attention to deviations
- Talk through VFR scan during maneuver
Completion standards
- Simultaneously enter a climbing or descending turn
- Verbalize clearing procedure prior to entering turn
- Airspeed within ±10 kias at completion of turn
- Altitude within ±100΄ at completion of turn
- Heading withing ±10° of assigned
- Aircraft in trim
Teaching considerations
- Not specified
Additional practice
- Not specified
Additional resources
- Not specified