1. It is acceptable to allow your airspeed to go below 30 knots if:
___ A. Your rate of sink is 0
___ B. Your rate of sink is below 300 FPM (feet per minute)
___ C. Your rate of sink is below 600 FPM
2. To avoid hitting unmarked wires your altitude must be:
___ A. Above 300 feet AGL (above ground level)
___ B. Above 500 feet MSL (mean sea level)
___ C. Above 500 feet AGL
3. The number one cause of fatal accidents in the R-22 is:
___ A. Low RPM rotor stall
___ B. Collision with wires and other objects
___ C. Low G mast bumping
4. When the rotor RPM begins to decay, the engine will:
___ A. Produce less torque
___ B. Produce less torque and less power
___ C. Produce less power at nearly the same torque
5. If you encounter unexpected severe turbulence, you should:
___ A. Immediately increase your airspeed to clear the area quickly
___ B. Slow down and avoid over controlling the aircraft
___ C. Enter an autorotation and land
6. Aerodynamic stall occurs when:
___ A. Either an airplane or helicopter loses airspeed
___ B. An Airplane loses airspeed or a helicopter loses rotor RPM
___ C. An airplane flies too fast or a helicopter flies to slow
7. If the pilot pulls in too much pitch:
___ A. It may cause an over torque damaging the engine
___ B. It may cause an over speed
___ C. It may pull the RPM down causing a loss of power leading to rotor stall
8. To quickly descend for collision avoidance, the pilot should:
___ A. Reduce collective pitch while keeping the aircraft level with the cyclic
___ B. Push the cyclic forward to dive below the hazard
___ C. Lower the collective and push the cyclic forward
9. When crossing high tension wires, the pilot should:
___ A. Keep the tower to his left so as to avoid aircraft coming from the opposite direction
___ B. Always fly directly over the towers
___ C. Always fly over the point where the wires are the lowest
10. When performing a zero G push-over, an airplane:
___ A. Has less lateral control than during one G flight
___ B. Has more lateral control than during one G flight
___ C. Has the same lateral control as during one G flight
11. When performing a zero G push-over, a helicopter:
___ A. Has less lateral control than during one G flight
___ B. Has more lateral control than during one G flight
___ C. Has the same lateral control than during one G flight
12. You can recover the most energy by:
___ A. Reducing your RPM from 104% to 80%
___ B. Reducing your airspeed from 90 knots to 80 knots
___ C. Reducing your airspeed from 50 knots to 35 knots
13. To recover from a low G condition, the pilot must apply:
___ A. Left pedal
___ B. Aft cyclic
___ C. Left cyclic
___ D. Right pedal
14. To recover from a low RPM situation, power on, at any airspeed, the pilot must:
___ A. Lower collective and add right pedal
___ B. Roll on throttle and add forward cyclic
___ C. Roll on throttle and lower the collective simultaneously
___ D. Lower the collective and add forward cyclic
15. For use during autorotation, energy is stored in:
___ A. Engine RPM and altitude
___ B. Rotor RPM, forward speed and altitude
___ C. Rotor RPM and forward speed
16. During normal flight a 10% loss of RPM will result in:
___ A. 10% less engine power available
___ B. 10% loss of airspeed
___ C. No loss of power available if manifold pressure is maintained
17. The low G condition can best be recognized by:
___ A. Low airspeed at high power setting
___ B. A feeling of weightlessness
___ C. A roll to the left
___ D. A yaw to the right
18. Primary causes of fatal accidents in the R-22 are:
___ A. Rotor stall and wire strikes
___ B. Engine failure and weather
___ C. Tail rotor failure and dual instruction
___ D. Weather and dynamic roll-over
19. A pilot can recover 100 HP-second of energy by:
___ A. Reducing airspeed from 90 to 84 knots
___ B. Reducing airspeed from 60 to 50 knots
___ C. Reducing altitude by 46 feet
___ D. Any of the above
20. In which of the following conditions can low RPM rotor stall occur:
___ A. Hover
___ B. Autorotation
___ C. Cruise
___ D. Any of the above
Scoring key bcbcbbcabcabbcbabadd