Learn to use the POH checklist during engine start-up, and understand what procedures must be completed prior to taxiing and departure.
- Continuation of the checklist procedures for engine start-up.
- Configure the aircraft for departure.
Instructional aids and pre-requisites
- Robinson R-22 POH or approved checklist
- Follow the checklist for engine start-up and rotor engagement
- Obtain ASOS/ATIS wind, weather, and temperature information
- Set altimeter, radios, and transponder
- Determine performance limitations
- Brief student on ATC/self-announce procedures for taxiing and departure
- Perform system checks in hover: Lights, RPMs, Guages, Fuel, Carb Heat, hover power
Common errors
- Not applicable
Completion standards
- The student will progress from conducting supervised start-up and systems checks to assuming all responsibility for completing start-up and systems check procedures.
Teaching considerations
- None specified
Additional practice
- Not applicable
Additional resources
- None specified