Before modifying any lesson plan, please remember that the flight training syllabus is based on maneuvers for the Robinson R-22.

Flight Maneuver Syllabus

Rules for Editing Flight Maneuvers Syllabus: 1) This is an all-inclusive syllabus. Instead of deleting lessons you think are not necessary, please note this in the Lesson Plan; 2) Lessons that you think are out of order, please note this below in the Comments or on in the Lesson Plan; 3) Add any lessons you think are missing here, and make a Comment below explaining why a new lesson is necessary.

Introductory Lessons (IL)
  1. SFAR-73 Awareness Training [link]–Open for editing
  2. Introduction to ADM: 1* [link]–Open for editing
  3. Pre-flight Procedures [link]–Open for editing
  4. Start-up and Systems Check [link]–Open for editing
  5. Shut-down and Post-flight Procedures [link]–Open
Flight Controls (FC)
  1. Anti-torque Pedals in Flight [link]–Open for editing
  2. Collective in Flight [link]–Open for editing
  3. Cyclic in Flight [link]–Open for editing
  4. Straight and Level Flight [link]–Open for editing
  5. Turns [link]–Open for editing
  6. Acceleration and Deceleration [link]–Open for editing
  7. Climbs and Descents [link]–Open for editing
  8. Climbing Turns/Descending Turns [link]–Open for editing
  9. Hovering Part 1 (Pedal Turns) [link]–Open for editing
  10. Hover Part 2 (Taxiing) [link]–Open for editing
Basic Maneuvers (BM)
  1. Hovering Part 3 (All Controls) [link]–Open for editing
  2. Traffic Pattern
  3. Normal Approach to Hover [link]Contributors needed!
  4. Normal Take-off [link]–Open for editing
  5. Vortex Ring State (formerly SWP) [link]–Open for editing
  6. Go-around [link]–Open for editing
  7. Advanced Hovering Maneuvers [link]Contributors needed!
  8. Pick-up/Set-down [link]–Open for editing
Pre-solo Maneuvers (PS)
  1. Air Taxi/Rapid Deceleration [link]Open for discussion!
  2. Emergency Procedures [link]–Open for editing
  3. Governor-off Procedures [link]–Open for editing
  4. Straight-in Autorotation [link]–Open for editing
  5. Hovering Autorotation [link]–Open for editing
  6. Low Rotor RPM Recovery [link]–Open for editing
Performance Maneuvers (PM)
  1. Maximum Performance Take-off
  2. Steep Approach
  3. Shallow Approach
  4. Running Landing
Off-Airport and Advanced Maneuvers (AM)
  1. Turning Autorotation
  2. Slope Landings
  3. Off-airport Operations
Cross-country Training (XC)
  1. Towered and Non-towered Airport Procedures
  2. Forced Landings
  3. Day VFR Cross-country
  4. Night VFR Cross-country

2009 Required Training and Aeronautical Experience

Rules for Editing Endorsements: Update, revise, and modify freely! Comment below for the flowchart download.

  • Part 61 requirements–Coming soon
  • Part 141 requirements–Coming soon
  • Combined Part 61/Part 141 requirements flowchart Download

2009 Endorsements

Rules for Editing Endorsements: Update, revise, and modify!

SFAR 73 Awareness Training

I certify that «AppName», «AppCert» has completed the awareness training specified in §61 SFAR 73(2)(a).

Pre-solo Aeronautical Knowledge

I certify that «AppName», «AppCert» has satisfactorily completed the pre-solo aeronautical knowledge test required by §61.87(b), and that I have reviewed all incorrect answers with this student.

SFAR 73 R-22 Solo Endorsement

I certify that «AppName», «AppCert» has received the training and meets the experience requirements of §61 SFAR 73(2)(b)(3), and is proficient to solo a Robinson R-22, subject to the following limitations: daylight with visibility >5SM and ceiling >2000 feet, wind <12 knots, originating from «Airport». Practice autorotation, quick stop, off-airport, or slope landing maneuvers are not authorized under this endorsement.

Student Solo Privileges

I certify that «AppName», «AppCert» has received the required presolo training specified in §61.87(b-c) and §61.87(f)(1-16) and is proficient to make solo flights in a Robinson R-22 subject to the following limitations: daylight with visibility >5SM and ceiling >2000 feet, wind <12 knots, originating from «Airport». Practice autorotation, quick stop, off-airport, or slope landing maneuvers are not authorized under this endorsement.

Student Solo XC Authorization

I certify that «AppName», «AppCert» has met the requirements of  §61.93(a) and is proficient to make solo cross-country flights in a Robinson R-22.

Student Solo XC Authorization

I have reviewed the cross-country flight plan proposed by «AppName», «AppCert» in accordance with §61.93(d), and find the preparation and flight planning to be correct. Given the known conditions, this flight can be completed safely in a Robinson R-22 subject to the following limitations:

wind  _________, visibility _________, ceiling  _________,

route of flight _____________________________________

Student Solo Within 25NM

I certify that «AppName», «AppCert» has received flight training in accordance with §61.93(b)(1) and is proficient to conduct solo flights between ______ and ______ for the purpose of practicing takeoffs and landings in a Robinson R-22 subject to the following limitations: wind <12 knots, visibility >5SM, and ceiling >2000 feet, prior instructor authorization.

Student Solo Within 50NM

I certify that «AppName», «AppCert» has received flight training in accordance with §61.93(b)(2) and is proficient to conduct solo flights between ______ and ______ in a Robinson R-22 subject to the following limitations: wind <12 knots, visibility >5SM, and ceiling >2000 feet, prior instructor authorization, route of flight _________________________________

Private Pilot Knowledge Test

I certify that «AppName», «AppCert» has received the required training in accordance with §61.105(b) and is prepared for the Private Pilot Rotorcraft Helicopter Knowledge Test.

PPLH Knowledge Test Deficiency

I certify that «AppName», «AppCert» has demonstrated satisfactory knowledge of the subject areas in which he/she was deficient on the Private Pilot Rotorcraft Helicopter Knowledge Test in accordance with §61.39(a)(6)(iii).

Private Pilot Practical Test

I certify that «AppName», «AppCert» has received the training required by §61.107(b)(3) and is prepared for the Private Pilot Rotorcraft Helicopter Practical Test.

SFAR 73 R-22 PIC Endorsement

I certify that «AppName», «AppCert» meets the experience requirements of and has been given the training specified in §61 SFAR 73(2)(b)(1)(ii), and is proficient to act as pilot in command of a Robinson R-22.

5 thoughts on “WikiPPLH”

    1. Thanks for the feedback Mike–your comments on VR have been very valuable, and the idea behind this site is to provide a permanent holding place for the wisdom of experienced instructors like yourself.

      So teach Normal T/O before Approach to a Hover? Sounds reasonable. If you’d like to, you can make the change yourself–start by clicking on the link near the bottom of the page, where it says “This page is wiki editable click here to edit this page.” (This should be an easy and seamless process–if it isn’t please let me know what problems you run into.)

      I haven’t had a chance to add the Emergency Procedures lesson, but will have it up tomorrow and open for review. Basically, it’s going to tell instructors how to simulate all the scenarios in the Emergency Procedures section of the POH so the student can react to them appropriately–caution lights, instrument failures, etc. Remember, it’s just a starting point, and the purpose of having it here is for others to improve on it!
      Best wishes,

  1. Like this a lot, I shall send my students this way, and then they can learn MORE!

    We are in Canada, so not everything is exactly the same, but hey, it’s close!

    Harald Sydness
    Chief Flight Instructor
    Central Helicopter Training Academy

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